Lawyers the Only Winners in a Big Custody Battle?

When it comes to custody battles, most couples fear the proceedings. This is not because they have to miss time from work or because of the costs of attorney’s fees; it is the stress and the toll it takes on the children as a whole. Child custody hearings do not have to be drawn out slugfests. Parents can work together through mediation, in some cases, to determine visitation, child support and the needs of the children.
Drawn Out Court Battle
Drawn out court battles stress every person involved. The proceedings can also take a negative toll on the children’s mental well-being. They do not always understand what is going on and they feel the stress from mom and dad throwing punches at each other in a courtroom.
These situations do, however, help to bring all evidence to the table. One parent may be irresponsible or dangerous. The court has the ability to investigate this to uncover all of the facts.
Mediation is a relaxed setting. The mediator listens to both sides of the argument and aids in providing solutions for the family. This relaxed setting helps the couple to compromise and speak freely without the structure of a courtroom.
Which is better?
Drawn out court proceedings are rarely low cost. Mediation services may take a considerable amount of time but are often more cost effective for the couple. Going through the divorce, itself is a costly process, especially when children are involved. Unfortunately, some people welcome this fight.
Decide amongst yourselves, which is the best option for your situation, as some divorced couples simply cannot communicate with each other. If you need an experienced family attorney, consider a Houston family lawyer to assist you. This may mean a court battle is forthcoming, but you will have the proper guidance to stand your ground and get your points across.